
Smartphones and the Mobile Workforce

Smartphones and the Mobile Workforce

Six years ago, the mid-Atlantic region came to a standstill as back-to-back storms dumped record amounts of snow, crippling cities and causing the temporary closure of many businesses. Known as Snowmaggedon, I witnessed the devastation first-hand as a Baltimore resident, and when the city ran out of places to dump the plowed snow, load after…

5 Things to do Before You Lose Your Smartphone

5 Things to do Before You Lose Your Smartphone

Over 70 percent of the adult population own smartphones, over two million of whom report them stolen each year, with another three million reporting them lost. Simply put, there is a decent probability that you’ll lose your smartphone at some point in time, be it from theft or carelessness. I consider myself to be a…

5 Stages of Grief in 5 Minutes

5 Stages of Grief in 5 Minutes

Losing your phone is not ideal. In modern culture we depend on our phones for everything, so realizing your phone is missing can induce panic. However, it’s not the time to lose your cool! Use this quick guide to go through the five stages of grief in just five minutes, and then find a solution….

Amusement Parks and Cell Phones…Oops

Amusement Parks and Cell Phones…Oops

If you’ve been to an amusement park recently, you might have seen something like this:   That’s a lot of lost phones! And most amusement parks are “not responsible for lost or stolen items.” In just one year, King’s Island’s newest ride, “The Diamondback,” collected $20,000 worth of nose-diving cell phones. So, at an amusement…

Pics or it Didn’t Happen

Pics or it Didn’t Happen

So, you want me to believe you were free hanging backward from a cliff with one hand? Riiiiight. #PicsOrItDidntHappen Life is an adventure. One you should be able to capture with photos, texts, snapchats and location tags. Make sure you have your phone by your side while you’re braving the rapids, catching the big one…

NEW! Improved Features for the Phone Lasso

NEW! Improved Features for the Phone Lasso

You asked, and we listened!  What is the Phone Lasso? For those of you who haven’t heard, the Phone Lasso revolutionizes the way you use your phone. By adhering our insanely sticky patch to your phone (or case), you’re able to attach your phone to your body, belt, bag, gear – you name it! Now,…

Drop It Like It’s Hot

Drop It Like It’s Hot

Broken Phones Are a Billion Dollar Industry  Stop breaking your phone! Broken phones have become a huge moneymaker … for the cell phone companies. According to a recent study by SquareTrade, Americans have spent more than $23.5 billion – that’s right, BILLION – on repairing or replacing smartphones since Apple first introduced the iPhone.  …